Psychedelic Research Activities
Since 2004, when I published my first paper in the UK medical academic press, I have written dozens of further medical papers and taken part in several psychedelic drug trials. See details below.
Academic Papers Published
Most of the links will take you to published abstracts of the articles. If you’d like the full PDF drop me a line at
Sessa B (2005) Can psychedelics have a role in psychiatry again? British Journal of Psychiatry, 186: 457–458
Sessa, B., Arnone, D and Schifano, F. (2006) Psychedelics in psychiatry: Commentary and Author’s reply. British Journal of Psychiatry 2006 188: Pages 88-89.
Sessa, B. (2006) From Sacred Plants to Psychotherapy: The History and Re-Emergence of Psychedelics in Medicine. Royal College of Psychiatrists Special Symposium on: Psychosis, Psychedelics and the Transpersonal Journey.
Sessa, B. (2006) From Sacred Plants to Psychotherapy: The History and Re-Emergence of Psychedelics in Medicine. Quarterly Journal of Mental Health, Vol 1, # 2, 2006
Sessa, B. (2007) Psychiatry in Pictures – Albert Hofmann by Dean Chamberlain, text by Ben Sessa
Sessa, B. (2007) Is there a case for MDMA Psychotherapy in the UK? J Psychopharmacology. Vol 21; 220-221
Sessa B, Nutt DJ (2007) MDMA, politics and medical research: have we thrown the baby out with the bathwater? J Psychopharmacol 21: 787-791
Sessa, B. (2008)Are psychedelic drug treatments seeing a comeback in psychiatry? Progress in Psychiatry and Neurology, 2008
Sessa, B. (2008)Is it time to revisit the role of psychedelic drugs in enhancing human creativity? J Psychopharmacol 2008; 22; 821
Sessa, B. (2008) Can Psychedelics Play a Role in Palliative Care? EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE CARE, 2008; 15(5)
Sessa, B. (2008) ‘Let’s not give in to Descartes: we need pharmacology and psychotherapy.’ Journal of Psychopharmacology. 2009;23(2):227-228. doi:10.1177/0269881108093884
Sessa, B. and Nutt, D. (2008) Reply to letter by Green, Marsden and Fone (2007) about Sessa and Nutt’s editorial (MDMA: baby with the bath water) in the November 2007 Journal. Journal of Psychopharmacology, Vol. 22, No. 4, 457-458
Sessa, B. (2008) A Summary of the clinical use of MDMA Psychotherapy For the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs
Sessa, B and Sandison, R (2009)Update from the UK and an Interview with Pioneering Psychedelic Psychiatrist Dr. Ronald Sandison. MAPS Bulletin volume xviii number 3 winter 2oo8-o9
Carhart-Harris RL; Williams TM; Sessa B; Tyacke RJ; Rich AS; Feilding A; Nutt DJ. (20 May 2010). The administration of psilocybin to healthy, hallucinogen-experienced volunteers in a mock-functional magnetic resonance imaging environment: a preliminary investigation of tolerability. J Psychopharmacol
Sessa, B. (2010) Obituary for Ronnie Sandison. The MAPS Bulletin.
Sessa, B. (2010) Obituary for Dr Ronald Sandison. The Psychiatric Bulletin. 34:503
Sessa, B. (2010) Self-medication of LSD and MDMA to treat mental disorders: A case series – Journal of Alternative Medicine Research. Vol. 2, Issue 2.
Sessa, B. (2012) Shaping the renaissance of psychedelic research. The Lancet – 21 July 2012 ( Vol. 380, Issue 9838, Pages 200-201 )
Sessa, B. (2012) Could MDMA be useful in the treatment of PTSD? Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry. Volume 15, Issue 6,pages 4–7, November/December 2011
Sessa, B. (2013) The MDMA Debate. Chapter in book ‘Breaking Convention: Essays on Psychedelic Consciousness’. Published by Stranger Attractor Press, London. 2013.
Sessa, B. (2013) The Pitfalls and Pleasures of Campaigning for Psychedelic Research for the British Medical Profession, The Media and The General Public. PsyPressUk Journal. January 2013.
SD Muthukumaraswamy1, RL Carhart-Harris1*, RJ Moran, MJ Brookes, TM Williams, D Errtizoe, B Sessa, A Papadopoulos, M Bolstridge, KD Singh, A Feilding, KJ Friston, DJ Nutt (2013) Cortical desynchronization underlies the human psychedelic state, Journal of Neuroscience. 09/2013; 33(38):15171-15183.
Sessa, B. (2015)The Ecstatic History of MDMA: From Raving Highs to Saving Lives. Accepted for publication in the Breaking Convention Book of Proceedings from the 2013 Conference. Strange Attractor Press. IN PRINT. Due out in 2015.
Doblin R1, Greer G, Holland J, Jerome L, Mithoefer MC, Sessa B. (2014) A reconsideration and response to Parrott AC (2013) “Human psychobiology of MDMA or ‘Ecstasy’: an overview of 25 years of empirical research”. Hum Psychopharmacol. 2014 Mar;29(2):105-8. doi: 10.1002/hup.2389.
Sessa, B. (2014) One Man’s Cognitive Impairment is Another Man’s Party:Legalisation, Legislation and The Fair Trade Cannabis Company. PsyPress UK. Summer 2014.
Sessa, B. (2015). Drugged – The Science and Culture Behind Psychotropic Drugs [Review of the book Drugged: The science and culture behind psychotropic drugs, by R. J. Miller]. PsycCRITIQUES, 59(50).
Sessa, B. (2014) Why Psychiatry Needs Psychedelics and Psychedelics Need Psychiatry. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs.2014 Jan-Mar;46(1):57-62
Sessa, B. and Johnson, M. (2015) Is There a Role for Psychedelics in the Treatment of Drug Dependency? British Journal of Psychiatry, January 2015.
Sessa, B. and Nutt, DJ (2015) Making a Medicine Out of MDMA. British Journal of Psychiatry. 2015 Jan;206(1):4-6.
Sessa, B. (2015) MDMA, PTSD and The Future of Medicine. Psychedelic American Journal. IN PRINT – June 2014
Sessa, B. (2015) Turn On and Tune In to Evidence Based Psychedelic Research. The Lancet Psychiatry. Volume 2, No. 1, p10–12, January 2015
Sessa, B. and Grey, A. (2015) Painting of Dr Alexandra and Ann Shulgin by Alex Grey, with Commerntary from Sessa and Grey – On the cover of the British Journal of Psychiatry. January Vol. 206, No. 1. 2015.
Ellison-Wright, Z. & Sessa, B. (2015) A Persisting Perception Disorder after Cannabis Use. Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry. Vol 19, Issue 1. February 2015.
Sessa, B and Meckel Fischer, F. (2015) Underground LSD, MDMA and 2-CB-assisted Individual and Group Psychotherapy in Zurich: Outcomes, Implications and Commentary. Journal of Psychopharmacology / Journal of Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs. March 2015. Vol1.
Sessa, B. (2016) Towards and Integration of Psychopharmacology and Psychotherapy: Using Psychedelic Drug-Assisted Psychotherapy. Psychedelic Press Journal. Volume 15. Psychedelic Press, UK.
Robin L. Carhart-Harrisa,Suresh Muthukumaraswamyb, Leor Rosemana, Mendel Kaelena, Wouter Droog, Kevin Murphy, Enzo Tagliazucchif, Eduardo E. Schenberga, Timothy Nest, Csaba Orban, Robert Leech, Luke T. Williams , Tim M. Williams , Mark Bolstridge, Ben Sessa, John McGonigle, Martin I. Sereno, David Nichols, Peter J. Hellyer, Peter Hobden, John Evans, Krish D. Singh, Richard G. Wise, H. Valerie Curran, Amanda Feilding and David J. Nutt (2016) Neural correlates of the LSD experience revealed by multimodal neuroimaging. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1518377113
Sessa, B. (2016) MDMA and PTSD treatment: “PTSD: From novel pathophysiology to innovative therapeutics”. Neurosci Lett. 2016 Jul 6. pii: S0304-3940(16)30490-6. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2016.07.004.
Sessa, B. (2017) History of Psychedelics in Medicine 2016. Chapter in the Handbook of Psychoactive Substances. Edited by Maximilian von Heydon, Henrik Jungaberle and Tomislav Majić. July 2017.
Sessa, B. (2017) Why Psychiatry Needs MDMA: A Child Psychiatrist’s Perspective. Neurotherapeutics. 13(3): 741-749
Sessa, B. (2017) The 21st century psychedelic renaissance: Heroic steps forward on the back of an elephant. Psychopharmacology (2017).
Sessa, B. (2017) Why MDMA Therapy for Alcohol Use Disorder and Why Now?Neuropharmacology (2017)
Sessa, B., Higbed, L. and Nutt, DJ (2019) A Review of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-Assisted Psychotherapy. Frontiers Psychiatry 10:138. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00138
Sessa, B. (2019) Therapeutic Applications for 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. Chapter 3 in Psychedelic Medicine – Volume 3. Winkelman, M. and Sessa, B. (Editors). ABC / Clio Publishers, New York, USA.
Sessa, B., Sakal, C.M., O’Brien, S. & Nutt, D.J. (2019) First study of safety and tolerability of MDNA-assisted psychotherapy in patients with alcohol use diorder: preliminary data on the forst four participants. MDMA-AUD – BMJ Case Reports paper – July 2019(1) BMJ Case Reports. 2019;12:e230109
Gittens, R. & Sessa, B. (2020) Can Prescribed Medical Cannabis Use Reduce the Use of Other More Harmful Drugs?” for publication in the Drug Science,
Policy and Law. -
James, E., Robertshaw, T, Hoskins, M. & Sessa, B. (2020) Psilocybin occasioned mystical-type experiences. Human Psychopharmacol Clin Exp. 2020;e2742.
Sessa B, Higbed L, O’Brien S, Durant C, Sakal C, Williams T, Nutt DJ (2020) How well are Patients doing Post-Alcohol Detox in Bristol? Results from the Outcomes Study. J Alcohol Drug Depend Subst Abus 2020, 6: 021
Sessa, B., Higbed, L., O’Brien, S., Durant, C., Sakal, C. Titheradge, D., Williams, T. , Rose-Morris, A., Brew-Girard, E., Burrows, S., Wiseman, C., Wilson, S., Rickard, J. and Nutt, D.J. (2021) First Study of Safety and Tolerability of MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy in Patients with Alcohol Use Disorder. Journal of Psychopharmacology. February 2021. doi:10.1177/0269881121991792
James E, Thomas L Robertshaw, Michael J Pascoe, Fiona M Chapman, Andrew D Westwell, Mathew Hoskins, Jacob Barrow, Ben Sessa, Rick Doblin, Renee Rosky, Andrew P Smith (2021) Online survey into developing a model for a legal cannabis market in the United Kingdom. Drug Science, Policy and Law. January 2021. doi:10.1177/20503245211034931
Hadar A, David J, Shalit N, Roseman L, Gross R, Sessa B, Lev-Ran S. (2022) The Psychedelic Renaissance in Clinical Research: A Bibliometric Analysis of Three Decades of Human Studies with Classical Psychedelics. J Psychoactive Drugs. 2022 Jan 9:1-10.
Sessa, B., Aday, JS, O’Brien, S., Curran, V., Measham, F., Higbed, L. Nutt, DJ (2021) Debunking the myth of ‘Blue Mondays’: No evidence of affect drop after taking clinical MDMA. Journal of Psychopharmacology. December 2022
James, E., Keppler, J., Robertshaw, T., Sessa, B. (2022) N,N-dimethyltryptamine and Amazonian ayahuasca plant medicine. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental. February 2022.
Sessa, B. and Higbed, L. (2023) Psychedelics as Psychiatric Medications (Editors: David Nutt and David Castle). Chapter Two: The psychotherapeutic component of psychedelic medicine – by Laurie Higbed and Ben Sessa. Published by Oxford Psychiatry Library (OUP, Oxford, UK)
Thurgur H , Sessa B, Higbed L, Durant C, Wilson S, Szigeti B, Morgan C J A, Nutt D J. (2024) MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for AUD: Bayesian analysis of WHO drinking risk level and exploratory analysis of drinking behaviour and psychosocial functioning at 3 months follow-up. UNDER PEER REVIEW.
Sophie-Athéna Chapron, Guilhem Bonazzi, Laura Di Lodovico, Julia de Ternay, Camille Landmann, Mikail Nourredine, Francesco Salvo 1 , Ben Sessa 12 , Ravi Das 13 ,Benjamin Rolland 5,14,15 , Albert Garcia-Romeu and Marc Auriacombe (2024) Impact of psychedelics on craving in addiction: A systematic review. Journal of Psychopharmacology. Accepted for publication. IN PRINT.​
Sessa, B. & O'Brien, S. (2025) A Review of the Addiction Potential of Clinical MDMA. Currently UNDER REVIEW by JoP - December 2024
Sessa, B. & O'Brien, S. (2025) Ketamine & Creativity in Science and Culture: Is it a Reality? Currently UNDER REVIEW by JoP - Dec 2024
I frequently write reviews for academic papers being submitted to medical journals, i.e.. The Journal of Psychopharmacology, Advances in Psychiatry, The British Journal of Psychiatry and The Lancet. Here are some of the papers I have reviewed:
PØ Johansen (2008) How could MDMA (‘Ecstasy’) help anxiety disorders? A neurobiological rationale. JoP. October 2008.
Michael Mithoefer (2010) – The safety and efficacy of ±3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-assisted psychotherapy in subjects with chronic, treatment-resistant posttraumatic stress disorder: the first randomized controlled trial. March 2010. JoP.
(2010) Empathogen, entactogen, and ensuigen: Effects of MDMA on subject utterances in PTSD therapy. JoP. October 2010.
Mystical Experiences Occasioned by the Hallucinogen Psilocybin Lead to Increases in the Personality Domain of Openness. JoP. March 2011.
Enhancement of Creative Expression and Entoptic Phenomena as After-Effects of Repeated Ayahuasca Administration. JoP. May 2011.
Krebs, Teri; Johansen, Pål. (2011) ‘Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) for alcoholism: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials’ For Journal of Psychopharmacology. July 2011.
Carhart-Harris et al (2011) “Psilocybin augments subjective and neural responses to autobiographical memory cues: An fMRI study with implications for psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy” British Journal of Psychiatry.
Teri Krebs and Pal Johansen.(2012) Visual; Symptoms in Psychedelic Users: A population study. JoP. February 2012.
Micheal Mithoefer (2012) LTFU of study for MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for treatment of PTSD. JoP, February 2012.
Peter Oehen (2012) “A randomized, controlled pilot study of MDMA (±3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine)-assisted psycho-therapy for treatment resistant, chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)” for the Journal of Psychopharmacology. March 2012.
Peter Oehen (2012) “A randomized, controlled pilot study of MDMA (±3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine)-assisted psycho-therapy for treatment resistant, chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)” for the Journal of Psychopharmacology. July 2012.
George Greer and Charles Grob (2013) – PTSD Symptom Reports of Patients Evaluated for the New Mexico Medical CannabisProgram” for the Journal of Psychopharmacology. January 2013.
Robin Carhart-Harris and David Nutt (2013) A New Drug Model for Psychiatry. For The Journal of Psychopharmacology. February 2013.
Matt Johnson et al. (2013) Psychedelic Therapy and reducing rates of recidivism. Journal of Psychopharmacology. August 2013.
Winstock et al. (2013) “Dimethyltryptamine (DMT): Prevalence, user characteristics and abuse liability in a large global sample” for the Journal of Psychopharmacology. August 2013.
Lawn, W., Barrett, M., Horen, A. and Winstock, A. (2013) The N-BOMe hallucionogenic drug series: patterns of use, characteristics of users and self-reported effects in a large international sample. For Journal of Psychpharmacology.
Litjens, R., Alderlieftse, G.J., Westerlink, R.H.S. (2013) Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder and the serotonergic system: A comprehensive review including new MDMA-related clinical cases. For Journal of European Neuropsychopharmacology.
David Baumeister, Georgina Barnes, Giovanni Giaroliand Derek Tracy. (2014)Classical hallucinogens as antidepressants? A review of pharmacodynamics and putative clinical roles. Submitted to Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology.
Curran, Val (2014) “Effects of ecstasy on cooperative behaviour and perception of trustworthiness: a naturalistic study.” For JoP. February 2014.
Johnson, Mat (2014) “Pilot Study of the 5-HT2A Agonist Psilocybin in the Treatment of Tobacco Addiction” for the Journal of Psychopharmacology. April 2014. .
Majić, Tomislav (2014) Peak experiences and afterglows reconsidered: which role does the subjective experience play for the therapeutic effects of psychedelic drugs? J Psychopharmacology. July 2014.
Bogenschutz (2014) “Psilocybin-Assisted Treatment For Alcohol Dependence: A Proof-Of-Concept Study” For the Journal of Psychopharmacology. September 2014.
Parrott, A. (2014) “Why all stimulant drugs are damaging to recreational users: an empirical overview and psychobiological explanation.” Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental. September 2014.
Krebs, Teri; Johansen, Pål.(2014) Psychedelics not linked to mental health problems or suicidal behaviour: A population study. Accepted for JOP. November 2014.
Sunjeev K Kamboj, Emma Kilford, Stephanie Minchin, Abigail Day Moss, Will Lawn, Ravi K Das, Caroline Falconer, Paul Gilbert, H Valerie Curran and Tom P Freeman (2014) Recreational 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (MDMA) and self-focused compassionate imagery: Preliminary steps in the development of a therapeutic psychopharmacology of contemplative practices. For BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Kaar, Stephen (contact); Ferris, Jason; Waldron, Jon; Devaney, Madonna; Ramsey, John; Winstock, Adam (2015) Up: the rise of nitrous oxide abuse. An international survey of contemporary nitrous oxide use. JOP-2015-2614
Matt Baggott et al (2015) “Effects of MDMA on socio-emotional feelings, authenticity, and autobiographical disclosure in healthy volunteers in a controlled setting” for the Journal of Psychopharmacology.
Michael Mithoefer et al (2015) Novel Psychopharmacological Therapies for Psychiatric Disorders: Psilocybin and MDMA. For The Lancet Psychiatry.
Bouso et al (2016) The current state of research on ayahuasca: a systematic review of human studies assessing psychiatric symptoms, neuropsychological functioning and neuroimaging. For the Journal of Psychopharmacology
Amoroso, T, and Workman, M. (2016) PTSD with MDMA-assisted psychotherapy: A preliminary meta-analysis and comparison to prolonged exposure therapy. For Journal of Psychopharmacology.
Carbonaro, T., Bradstreet, M., Barrett, F., ; MacLean, K., Jesse, R. ; Johnson, M. and Griffiths, R. (2016) Survey study of challenging experiences after ingesting psilocybin mushrooms: Acute and enduring positive and negative consequences. For Journal of Psychopharmacology.
Pisano, Vincent; Putnam, Nathaniel; Kramer, Hannah; Franciotti, Kevin; Halpern, John; Holden, Selma (2016) The association of psychedelic use and opioid use severity among illicit users in the United States. For Journal of Psychopharmacology, May 2016.
Johnson, M., Garcia-Romeu, A., Johnson, P., Griffiths, R. (2016) An Online Survey of Tobacco Smoking cessation associated with naturalistic psychedelic use. June 2016.
Forstmann, M. & Sagioglou, C. (2017) Lifetime Experiences with classical psychedelics predicts pro-environmental behaviour through an increase in nature relatedness. For JoP. January 2017.
Dr Elsey (2017) Psychedelic Drug use in healthy individuals: A review of the benefits, costs and implications for drug policy. Drug Science, Policy and Law. June 2017.
Bogenschutz et al (2017) Psilocybin-assisted treatment of alcohol use disorder: a clinical perspective. For Neuropharmacology, December 2017.
Davis, Lancellotta and Renn (2018) The epidemiology of 5-Methoxy-N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT) use: Benefits, consequences, patterns of use, subjective effects, and reasons for consumption.” For the Journal of Psychopharmacology. JoP. January 2018.
Ota’lora G., Marcela et al (2018) MDMA-assisted Psychotherapy for Treatment of Chronic Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. For the Journal of Psychopharmacology. April 2018.
Garcia-Romeu, A (2019) Cessation and reduction in alcohol consumption and misuse after psychedelic use. Submitted to Journal of Psychopharmacology, December 2018
Milloy et al (2019) Does cannabis use mitigate the effect of post-traumatic stress disorder on severe depression and suicidal ideation? Evidence from a population-based cross-sectional study of Canadians. Journal of Psychopharmacology, April 2019
Davis, A. et al (2020) Survey of entity encounter experiences occasioned by inhaled N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT): Phenomenology, interpretation, and enduring effects. JoP.
Carla et al (2020) Neural and subjective effects of inhaled DMT in natural settings. For JoP – September 2020
Strickland, Justin; Garcia-Romeu, Albert; Johnson, Matthew W. (2020) Peer Review of Set and Setting: A Randomized Study of Different Genres in Supporting Psychedelic Journal: ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science.
Jones, Grant; Nock, Matthew (2021) Peer Review of Lifetime MDMA/ecstasy use is associated with lowered odds of psychological distress and suicidality. Submitted to Journal of Psychopharmacology in December 2020.
Chiruta et al (2021) Critique of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists psychedelic therapy clinical memorandum, dated May 2020. Sumitted to the journal of Drug
Wießner et al (2021) The effects of LSD on creativity: Increased novelty and
symbolic thinking, decreased utility and convergent thinking. For the Journal of Psychopharmacology. -
Improving collection of psychedelics data in the United
Brian Barnett (20922) States National Survey on Drug Use and Health. For JoP
David Nutt; Celia Morgan; Sukhpreet Klaire (2023) Psychedelics as Treatments: Past, Present, and Future. For the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Sharma et al (2023) Psilocybin History, Action and Reaction: A Narrative Clinical Review. For Journal of Pharmacology, February 2023
Shinozuka et al (2024) Understanding Psychedelic Therapeutics for General Medicine Providers: Part VI. 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA). For American Journal of Therapeutics.
Benjamin Taber, Mikhail Kogan (2024) "Exploring the Potential Role of MDMA-Assisted Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Discussion of the Current Evidence and Regulatory Landscape" - 4th November 2024
Ramona L. Martinez,1* Nina Radošić, Hanna Molla, Harriet de Wit, and Sonja Lyubomirsky (2024) Unique Social Effects of the Love Drug: MDMA, but not Methamphetamine Increases Feelings of Trust During Dyadic Conversations